Chevrolet Performance Gen V L8T Camshaft 12672469
- Part Number:
- 12672469
- MPN:
- 12672469
- Shipping:
- Free Over $98 In U.S. 48
- Part#:
- 12672469
- Type:
- Hydraulic Roller
- RPM Range:
- Adv. Duration Int:
- 223
- Advertised Duration Exh:
- 229
- Int Duration @ .050":
- 193
- Exh Duration @ .050":
- 199
- Valve Lift Int (in.):
- .502
- Valve Lift Exh (in.):
- .494
- Rocker Ratio:
- 1.8
- Lobe Seperation:
- 114
- Intake Centerline:
- 108
Chevrolet Performance Gen V L8T Cam 12672469
This Gen V L8T camshaft is the perfect solution when deleting AFM/DOD in your daily driver. Valve timing events designed to work without piston to valve interference and provide factory performance without DOD.
Note: Tuning is required when deleting DOD/AFM.